Wednesday, September 15, 2010

They Look the Same, Are they the Same?

In this day and time I think all of us are looking for a deal on everything we buy. I am looking on the Internet and checking out competitors. I see items that look the same and wonder what is the difference? Why is a competitor $115.42 cheaper on a item we sell for $359.10?

In this example a dual regulated 2.5 gallon pressure pot is in question. The regulators of a C.A. Technologies pressure pot are selected for the accuracy of regulation they provide and the service life they yield and the availability of replacement parts. Air regulators are a cost driver and there is no shortage of cheap regulators on the market that could be selected for this application.

C.A. Technologies pressure pots have a LIFETIME WARRANTY POLICY. See for a copy of the warranty. What do the discount sellers of the look a like pressure pot provide in the way of quality regulators or a warranty policy. Closer inspection will provide the answer. Investigate before you invest. There is more to it than meets the eye. You do get what you pay for. Isn't that what we all want.....value for the money and professional performance in the equipment the we rely upon to make our livelihood with.

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